JUNE 22nd 2015 8pm
S Trott, P Anderson, M Bindon, P Fowler, J Belworthy, T Riddiford.
Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.
NZMPBA Monthly Club Accounts
Opening Balance 2015
Date 19 May- 22 June 2015
Opening Bank Accounts 17 March 2015
Entry Fee Account $ 3.33
Insurance Account $ 1,036.19
Non Profit Account $ 5,111.40
Total $ 6,150.92
Entry Fee Account None $ -
Insurance Account None $ -
Non Profit Account Morgan Plummer $ 50.00
$ -
Total $ 50.00
Entry Fee Account $ -
Insurance Account $ -
Non Profit Account Service fees $ 10.00
TradeTested Generator $ 1,099.00
Total $ 1,109.00
Closing Balance 7 April 2015
Entry Fee Accounts $ 3.33
Insurance Account $ 1,036.19
Non Profit Account $ 4,052.40
Total $ 5,091.92
Morgan Plummer 39
IN: Membership applications for ratification as at 22/6/15
B Hely Classes and Nationals letter
B Gutsell shed lease letter
L Marsden complaint letter
P Anderson Offshore Series letter
P Fowler 2016 Nats venue photos
M Bindon Scrutineering form.
OUT: Secretary to post out membership cards for memberships ratified during last months meeting.
1> Website.
M Bindon is still working on finding an appropriate photo editing program. A free download was trailed however expired, enquiries are to be made into the purchase of appropriate software, perhaps Photoshop for example.
Full site redevelopment to be considered later.
2 > NZ Offshore Series.
The standard scrutineering form is to be especially modified into a standard template by M Bindon especially for use at all Offshore Series events so that the extra critical requirements of an Offshore boat are captured and checked.
P Andersons letter regarding issues in continuing to allow recircling of missed bouys discussed at length, proposal to exclude bouy recircling was voted on and carried, Rule is NO recircling of any bouys in any NZ Offshore Series events is allowed. M Bindon to modify the Series Rules draft as appropriate.
In addition to other Entry form information, P Anderson is to investigate and propose a disclaimer paragraph to be included on entryforms.
3 > NZMPBA Membership cards.
The current membership applications have all been ratified, membership cards to be prepared and sent out as required.
4 > IRMS Generator
S Trott reported the generator performed perfectly at the Hamilton Offshore, only other requirement at this point is that an earth wire and ground peg needs to be made. S Trott to arrange this.
5 > Rule Changes.
J Belworthy to send the finalised rule changes to P Collier so they can be loaded to the website, this has been completed.
Electronic Election of Officers:
S Trott gave a brief update of the nominations received so far.
J Belworthy to send an e mail reminder to the membership regarding nominations required ready for AGM in August at the Taupo Offshore.
7 > 2016 NZMPBA Championships
P Fowler has sent images of the venue and is now to continue with assembling other promotional info so all can ultimately be sent as a Nats Promo to the membership.
8 > Honorary Auditor.
General discussion around how this position is specified in the constitution. There is no requirement from the Incorporated Societies Office that accounts are audited as such, auditing of accounts in this degree considering the association accounts size could be overkill, consideration to be given to changing the requirement to a simpler review process. All committee to make enquiries regarding costs to consider the audit process costs further. To be discussed further at subsequent meetings. S Trott to draft a remit to be considered at the AGM since this is a constitutional consideration.
9 > Membership Application Form.
General discussion of the “Family” membership subscription rate, a formal proposal to committee is required so that committee have the mandate to change the application of the family membership option, it is agreed within committee at this stage that once a secondary “family” member reaches 18 years old, then they are subject to the full membership rate regardless of living at the same address of another full member.
S Trott to draft and send the appropriate remits for consideration at the AGM as some of this impacts the constitution, and proposed changes to the constitution can only be considered at the AGM.
1 > Promo DVD
S Trott has requested funding assistance to develop and produce a short promotional DVD that ALL clubs around NZ can have copies of to use for helping promote and encourage activity and increased membership at club level and ultimately NZ Assoc membership growth. After general discussion the committee has agreed as this aspect is defined as one of the main requirements of the constitution. S Trott to provide updates as the project progresses.
2 > Hamilton MPBC Shed Lease
B Gutsell has sent a request for updated info regarding the “shed lease” agreement with the Hamilton CC as signed off in December 2014, the meeting confirmed that the lease payments are the responsibility of and made by the HMPBC, and this is simply a contact info update, not a change to any previous arrangements or contract.
3 > B Hely Letter.
The meeting discussed the various aspects of the letter at length, the outcome was that S Trott was to draft a letter of response to be distributed to committee, when all in agreeance with the draft then the letter was to be sent to B Hely.
4 > L Marsden complaint.
General discussion around this issue concluded that the format of the complaint did not currently meet the Complaints Process as set out in the Rule Book. S Trott to e mail reply to L Marsden to confirm that his e mail complaint is noted and request a further confirmation from L Marsden of his complaint in line with the Complaints Process is required if he wishes to pursue the issue he has.
Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.
Scheduled for Monday 20th July, 2015, 8pm via skype
Meeting closed 9.55 pm.