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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Mintues 15th December 2014
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Mintues 15th December 2014
on: January 19, 2015, 20:08


December 15th 2014


S Trott, P Anderson, M Bindon, J Belworthy, T Riddiford

APOLOGIES; P Fowler, M Gay.


Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.


Non Profit Account $ 3362.47

Entry Fee Account $ 3.33

Insurance Account $ 1035.53

Note: S Trott to follow up with the Treasurer and request that a basic income and expenditure sheet be presented each month as part of each financial report, so that the NZ Committee can see what the various financial movements have been.



1> NZ Series Offshore results received for ratification

2> Hamilton MPBC storage shed lease docs

OUT: Nil


1> NZMPBA Insurance.

It has been identified that the wording regarding insurance in the Health and Safety guideline needs reviewing to align it with the current insurance aspects. This is still a work in progress with either S Trott or J Belworthy to convert the current PDF copy into a word doc so it can be modified as required.

2> Website.

M Bindon has contacted P Bretherton regarding instructions on how to load the roll over pictures on the home page. M Bindon now has full administration access to the site and know has the ability to change almost everything as we understand it. Full site redevelopment to be considered later. This all remains as a work in progress

3> Class Restructuring.

A note is recorded that the various class changes including the P1 and P2 variations need to be made to the protocols and Nats Notes etc.

4 > Nationals Hosting info document.

This is now upto date however remains an open document for further modification.

5 > 2015 National Champs info.

S Trott to send all applicable Nats docs to J Belworthy who will e mail out to the membership, also to be passed onto P Collier for inclusion in the next Propshaft.

At this stage the only committee members known to be attending the 2015 Nats are S Trott, P Anderson, J Belworthy, others to confirm as required.


1> NZMPBA Membership cards.

The current cards are at an end. This was discussed and decided that S Trott is to ask if B Clarke can produce, print and laminate new cards including the current logo etc.

2 > Class Variations and Records.

After general discussion it was decided that records for classes by and large stay as they are how ever any new classes are to be added and T1 Thunderboat will simply change by name to P1 Thunderboat.

3>NZMPBA Insurance.

S Trott to check with B Clarke that the invoice for next annual period $960.25 has been paid.

4> Deep Vee Rules.

There was general discussion around the current Deep Vee Hull rules being out of step with current technology and design especially when compared with fullsize race boats and what is available commercially. The meeting concluded that the hull design rules need to be revised and simplified in 2015 to allow more scope of design and use of the commercially available hulls.

5> NZMPBA Offshore Series and Results.

Results ratified and okayed to be released to the membership. M Bindon to ask B Gutsell to pass on final results so they can be loaded to the forum and send onto P Collier for inclusion in the next Propshaft. T Christiansen has been co-opted to oversee and manage the points collation for the 2015 series. The points system needs revision to that similar to the Presidents Cup points system.

6> HMPBC Storage Shed Lease Doc.

The meeting agreed that this should be signed off to continue the support to the Hamilton Club in maintaining the use of the HCC storage shed. P Anderson and S Trott to sign and return the lease document as required.

Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.

Scheduled for Monday 19th January 2015, 8pm via skype

Meeting closed 10.00 pm.

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