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Author Topic: Electric Classes Rule Changes
Posts: 182
Post Electric Classes Rule Changes
on: December 5, 2014, 10:04

These rules will come into affect after the conclusion of the 2015 Nationals.

Electric Classes Rule Changes

#1) Currently N2 Limited Sport Hydro
Wording Changes;
Name: N2 Sport Hydro
a) Motor and Speed Controller is open.
b) 2S 7.4 Volts lithium Polymer (Lipo) Batteries 6000 mah max

#2) Currently N2 Limited Sport Offshore
Wording Changes;
Name: N2 Sport Offshore
a) . Motor and Speed Controller is open
b) 2S 7.4 Volts lithium Polymer (Lipo) Batteries 6000 mah max

#3) Currently Limited E Class Hydro
Wording Changes;
Name: P Sport Hydro
a) Motor and Speed Controller is open
b) 4S 14.8 Volt Lithium Polymer (Lipo) Batteries 6000 mah max.
c) Remove

#4) Currently Limited E Class Offshore
Wording Changes;
Name P Offshore Class
a) Motor and Speed Controller is open
b) 4S 14.8 Volt Lithium Polymer (Lipo) Batteries 6000 mah max.
c) Remove

#5) Remove Furture classes E Class Sport Hydro and E Class offshore from rule book

#6) New Classes

a).6s 22.2Volt li-polymer batteries (Lipos) 6000mah max.
b). Motor and speed controller open
d). Offshore hulls must be a Deep-Vee (16 to 28 degree “V” angle), Offshore Catamaran type hull.
e). Freeboard, as measured at the tallest point on the side of the hull, will not be less than 25mm.
f). Stepped hulls and flat keel ride pads will be allowed on both Deep Vee and Catamaran type hulls.
g). Closed cockpits must have windshields. Windshields can either be clear, tinted or coloured.
Open cockpits must have drivers.
h). All efforts should be made to colour and number hulls in the spirit of real offshore racing.
However, this class is intended to be stand-off scale class.
i). Safety Loops and isolating switches are
j). NZMPBA oval sprint racing rules will apply
k). Minimum hull length 34 inches. (865 mm)

a). 6s 22.2Volt li-polymer batteries (Lipos) 6000mah max.
b). Motor and speed controller open
d). All boats to resemble Hydroplanes from the past or present.
e). Fictitious teams may be created within the Spirit and shall at least resemble boats of the past and present Hydroplanes. The word "resemble" shall be loosely interpreted and as long as the boat is configured in the spirit of a real 3-point full-bodied hydro, it
shall be deemed legal.
f). Outriggers, modified outriggers or tunnels are not allowed.
g). All boats must be inboard motor powered with an effort made to conceal the motor with fake engine or cowling.
h). Safety Loops and isolating switches are mandatory.
i). NZMPBA oval sprint racing rules will apply
j). Minimum hull length 34 inches (865 mm)

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