20TH October 2014
S Trott, P Anderson, T Riddiford, M Bindon, P Fowler
APOLOGIES; M Gay, J Belworthy,
Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.
Non Profit Account $ Not Available
Entry Fee Account $ “ “
Insurance Account $ “ “
Note: Financial report for 2013 has been completed and presented to Committee, after clarification of a couple of queries the meeting unanimously accepted the report and now needs to be sent off to the Incorporated Societies Office by the Secretary.
As a note the Committee moved a special note of thanks be sent to Bruce Clarke for the effort made in tidying up the financials on behalf of the association.
1> BOPMPBC reply to NZMPBA request to host 2015 NZMPBA National Championships.
1> Letter to BOPMPBC requesting they host the NZMPBA National Championships.
Confirmation that Secretary advised Tararua Club contact person Complaints Procedure to be used if pursuing resolution of any issues.
1> NZMPBA Insurance.
It has been identified that the wording regarding insurance in the Health and Safety guideline needs reviewing to align it with the current insurance aspects.
2> Patron.
M Bindon was able to confirm that Julian Stillwell accepted the nomination to the Patrons position, P Anderson second this and the committee carried the nomination unanimously.
3> Website.
As per above regarding sanctioned club activity dates. M Bindon to contact B Gutsell regarding instructions on how to load the roll over pictures on the home page. Full site redevelopment to be considered later. This all remains as a work in progress
4> Class Restructuring.
After general discussion the meeting agreed that S Trott will write and present a draft proposal for various restructuring based on the committee survey results and comments. P Anderson is to work on the Electric classes in a similar way.
5 > Nationals Hosting info document.
S Trott to revise this document to bring upto date and forward to P Fowler to consider in advance of the 2016 National Champs being hosted in the South Island.
6 > BOPMPBC Noise Limit.
Following the noise study carried out by the BOP club regarding their venue in Tauranga, then a noise limit dispensation of 87Db at 20m is formally confirmed. It is however noted that the onus of responsibility remains on each member of the NZMPBA to make sure that all their craft meet the normal NZMPBA noise limits at any other venues around NZ.
7 > Transponder System.
S Trott gave a brief update regarding the My Laps transponder system and outlined a number of practical pit falls the system has in terms of what we do, P Fowler is to make a study of the system used in South Africa and report back as appropriate.
1> Protocols and Guidelines.
General discussion around this subject, there appears to be no record of certain aspects and how things are planned, run and organised. Each committee member is to list out what they are aware of so a guideline can be developed and formally recorded.
2 > 2015 Calender of Events
S Trott is to create a word doc draft setting out the current known and anticipated events for 2015 for presentation at the November committee meeting.
Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.
Scheduled for Monday 17th November 2014, 8pm via skype
Meeting closed 10.12 pm.