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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Minutes 22nd September 2014
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Minutes 22nd September 2014
on: October 20, 2014, 21:05


S Trott, P Anderson, T Riddiford, M Bindon, J Belworthy, P Fowler


Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.

Non Profit Account $5234.32
Entry Fee Account $3.33
Insurance Account $535.53

Note: Financial report for 2013 should be complete and available soon. This will be passed onto Committee at that stage to be checked and accepted, and then needs to be sent off to the Incorporated Societies Office.


1> J Belworthy advised of a contact person for the NZMPBA is required to fill out the application info for the new web host. The meeting agreed to send all to the Treasurer as the application was tied into the invoice that would also need paying regarding this. J Belworthy also to advise F Zinsli of this imminent change of web host.

1> Membership cards for 2 latest memberships sent out.

1> NZMPBA Insurance.
J Belworthy to advise P Collier to complete calendar update of regional club days etc as sanctioned events

2> Patron.
M Bindon will follow up with Julian Stillwell to check if he would accept a nomination as Patron for NZMPBA.

3> Website.
As per above regarding sanctioned club activity dates. M Bindon to contact B Gutsell regarding instructions on how to load the roll over pictures on the home page. Full site redevelopment to be considered later.

4> Class Restructuring.
Committee Survey results as follows:
1> 2014 Nats attended ? Yes x 6 No x 1
2> How many days should Nats be run over ? 3 days x 2 4 days x 2 3 to 4 days x 2 4 to 5 days x 1
3> Can you take time off work to attend the Nats ? Yes x 7
4> Nats to remain at Easter or change to another time of year ? Easter / Yes x 5 Change x 2
5> Classes at Nats to be Class specific ? Yes x 7
6> T2 Thunderboat allowed to run any motor brand ? Yes x 4 3 said drop the class completely
7> Sport petrol hydro to be Picklefork only ? Yes x 6 No x 1
8> Should P2 actually be run as an event ? No x 6 Yes x 1
9> Should P1 and P2 merge ? Yes x 6 No x 1
10> Should A & B nitro classes merge ? Yes x 7
11> Should C1 & C2 nitro classes merge ? After further discussion the meeting concluded that C1 should be merged with A & B as more comparable in power terms than with C2. Yes x 6.

There were further comments as follows:
T Riddiford suggested a change of format where 2 heats per class are run back to back per round, run all classes on this basis, then run a second round the same, this then totals 4 heats not 5 which would save some time
He also suggested the following regarding class structure for petrol classes:
That P1 becomes the “restricted” class for Std Zenoah powered Monos, Tunnels and T1 Thunderboat ie motor specs as per T1.
P2 remains as is but is NOT open to P1 boats ie they are a “different” class.
That P3 class be increased to include PX class.

P Fowler suggested that known unsupported classes eg Cracker box and Sport 20 Hydro are dropped off the entry form until such time as some support for these classes becomes apparent.

J Belworthy suggested standardising the hull types ie that Hydro classes encompass all different hulls rather than splitting out eg Sport petrols and Outriggers, this would mean that in Nitro terms Sport 45 is dropped and those boats fit into B Hydro, and as above Sport petrols, Outriggers and T2 boats all fit into the respective Hydro classes ie P2 or P3. The only exceptions to this would be that T1 Thunderboat and C Scale Hydro are left as stand alone classes, and those boats cannot be cross entered into any other class specific events ie P2 Hydro or C2 Hydro.

M Gays comment was that if members want to go to the Nats then they will !


1> 2015 NZMPBA National Championships
T Riddiford has confirmed that Lake Henly in Masterton is not available for Easter 2015 as the venue is already booked for Dragon boat racing.
Secretary is to send a letter to the BOPMPBC to ask if they will host the 2015 Nats.
Regarding the 2016 Nats being in the South Island, then the Secretary is to send a tidied up version of the host club responsibilities document to Phil Fowler for his pursual.

2> Noise Limits.
S Trott reported that the next action regarding the noise study is to re run the same boats at the BOP venue that ran at the Taupo Offshore and collect the data, then the correct Db disparity for the BOP venue can be worked out with an appropriate venue specific variation to be applied.

3> Electric Classes.
P Anderson presented some variation suggestions to electric classes for further future consideration

4 > Transponder System.
P Anderson gave a brief regarding a MyLaps transponder system that has been promoted to us. General discussion concluded that further investigation into the system needs to be continued, at this stage it appears that a system might be available for approx $5k.

5>P Fowler to send a condolence card to D Steenhart regarding his Dad (and previous NZMPBA member) Trevor Steenhart.

6> J Belworthy notes his apology for the next Committee meeting as will be absent.

Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.
Scheduled for Monday 20th October 2014, 8pm via skype

Meeting closed 10.22 pm.

Posts: 287
Post Re: Committee Meeting Minutes 22nd September 2014
on: October 23, 2014, 21:37

B. Gutsell doesn't know how do change the roll-over photos either. He was asked a few years ago to get info from P, Bretherton, who never coughed anyfink up. So B. Gutsell remains the same as NZMPBA committee as being none the wiser. Let's not cheap out on a web site again eh?

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