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Author Topic: Meet every third Sunday of the month
Posts: 66
Post Meet every third Sunday of the month
on: January 10, 2012, 14:25

Hey all

We will be meeting at the pond at 2000 Hepburns Road Ashburton every 3rd Sunday of the month. If your interested or not sure how to get there just give me a ring on 0274 361148. We may mix it up a bit and go to Lake Hood but this will generally be in the winter when the ski boats are away.

Meet at 9.30am or if you want to start early give me a text. This is a private pond and the farmer has asked for us to let him know when we will be going there. We have rescure equipment on site to get the boats.

if we have a race meeting on then there will be no racing. Look on the websites calendar to see when these are.



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