18TH August 2014
S Trott, P Anderson, T Riddiford, M Bindon, J Belworthy, M Gay, P Fowler
Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.
Non Profit Account $5066.21
Entry Fee Account $2.94
Insurance Account $534.99
B Clarke will look into the types of accounts we have and will come back with a recommendation for the next committee meeting. This is due to what appears to be quite high transaction fees.
Note: Financial report for 2013 should be complete and available soon. This will be passed onto Committee at that stage to be checked and accepted, and then needs to be sent off to the Incorporated Societies Office.
Confirmation that balance of BOPMPBC loan has been re paid.
1> Taranaki MPBC advises they are not able to host 2015 NZMPBA Champs
2> Advice of new club formed “Tararua District Model Power Boat Club”
3> 2 new memberships confirmed (Scott Pickering returning and Karl Martin new, both BOP)
4> E mail from Node Revision regarding website
5> Confirmation that P Knight nor Mr Stillwell Snr are able to accept the Patrons position.
6> Confirmations of Club Activity dates received from following clubs:
1> Letter to BOPMPBC to confirm balance of loan payment received completing the loan contract.
2> Letter to BNZ confirming B Clarke as Treasurer.
3> Letter to BOPMPBC confirming them as host for 2014 NI Champs
4> Letter to Taranaki MPBC requesting confirmation as host of 2015 NZMPBA National Championships.
5> J Belworthy enquiry to Node Revision regarding web site.
1> NZMPBA Insurance.
S Trott now to confirm received Club Activity days to J Belworthy who will work with P Collier to establish these as “sanctioned events” on the NZMPBA web site Calendar of Events.
2> Patron.
M Bindon will follow up with Phil Stillwell regarding enquiry to Julian Stillwell if Julian would accept a nomination as Patron for NZMPBA.
3> Website.
Still work in progress, J Belworthy recommended and proposed that the server / host for the website be changed to “HostPapa” at a cost of $178.20 for 3 years, this includes the cost of the domain name. Committee vote unanimous in favour, J Belworthy to arrange as required and provide the Treasurers details for HostPapa to send their invoice to for payment.
4> Class Restructuring.
M Gay and S Trott have presented the questionnaire proposed for the membership to answer via the forum, following general discussion around the merits of this then the committee decided that the committee should first answer all the questions individually to get a measure of where they sit first and then consider further if the membership needs to be canvassed with the same or similar.
All committee members to confirm their answers back to S Trott by 25th August 2014, with S Trott then to report the outcome of this back to committee, P Anderson then to advise if a special committee meeting 1st September 2014 is required to further discuss this topic specifically.
1> 2015 NZMPBA National Championships
Given the Taranaki Clubs declinature to host this event, T Riddiford is to check with the appropriate authority if Lake Henly would be available over Easter 2015 for the Nats to potentially be hosted there by the new Tararua Club and Wellington Club. Proposed Nationals dates are Thursday 2nd > Sunday 5th April 2015 ( 4 days)
2> Noise Limits.
S Trott reported that the Senior Noise officer of the TCC attended the recent BOPMPBC race day. He has established that the matching Db meters of the BOPMPBC and NZMPBA are reading within fractions of each other, and that compared to his Hi Tech meter those meters are reading 1Db higher than his recently calibrated meter. He states this is close enough for what we are doing as measuring noise is not an exact science, there are too many uncontrollable variables for it to ever be precise. There is an allowable tolerance of 3% in a court of law situation. He notes that there will definitely be aspects of the venue itself such as the bowl / valley shape nature of the pond, and all the reflection of noise off the wall of the drivers stand and container will create reading variations compared to a more open type venue. He has suggested we run boats in the same configuration at another venue of a different and open type structure and compare the noise levels recorded. We will use readings from the Taupo Offshore for this to establish what the BOP venue “variation” is. Further reports regarding these outcomes to be advised.
3> Rotorua Offshore.
M Bindon reports that the date for this years Rotorua Offshore has had to change from 27th September to the 20th September due to a booking conflict.
4 >Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.
Scheduled for Monday 22nd September 2014, 8pm via skype
Meeting closed 9.36pm.