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Author Topic: 21st July 2014 Committee Meeting Minutes
Posts: 182
Post 21st July 2014 Committee Meeting Minutes
on: August 18, 2014, 21:08

21st JULY 2014

S Trott, P Anderson, T Riddiford, M Bindon, J Belworthy, M Gay.


Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.

Non Profit Account $3621.21
Entry Fee Account $962.94
Insurance Account $534.99

B Clarke will look into the types of accounts we have and will come back with a recommendation for the next committee meeting.
Note: Financial report for 2013 should be complete and available soon. This will be passed onto Committee at that stage to be checked and accepted, and then needs to be sent off to the Incorporated Societies Office.

IN: 1> BOPMPBC expression of interest to host 2014 North island Champs.
2> Taranaki MPBC expression of interest to host 2015 NZMPBA Champs
3> Hamilton MPBC letter of declinature for hosting 2014 NI Champs and 2015 Nats
4> All NZMPBA association stuff received from A Colquohoun
5> 2 Lap record claims and course certificate received from BOPMPBC.

1> P Anderson note regarding 2014 NI Champs and 2015 NZMPBA Champs sent to P Collier to go out in Propshaft and to Secretary to be emailed to all known active clubs.
2> Note as above sent by Secretary to all known active clubs and appropriate contact people.

1> NZMPBA Insurance.
All insurance info received along with plain English explanation from A Colquohoun. This identified that only sanctioned events via the NZMPBA Calender of Events are covered. Outcome was that the Secretary is to e mail all known active clubs and have them advise their activity schedules with the view of adding all to the Calender so they become sanctioned events. The current events listed that qualify will need to have an extra identification to show that they are the specific events that qualify for Presidents Cup Points.
2> Patron.
M Bindon has spoken with Phil Stillwell who will contact Peter Knight on our behalf and ask if he is still in a position to continue his role as Patron for the NZMPBA. M Bindon will confirm outcome back to committee when the outcome is known.

3> Website.
Still work in progress, J Belworthy described the Australian MPBA website as being very user friendly to navigate compared to ours. M Bindon and J Belworthy are still developing the hit list of issues to tidy up. Either way the current site still needs to be fixed.

4> Nats financial outcome.
The costs from the Nats were discussed and the following outcome was reached. There is $962.94 in the entry fee account after all expenses except for the trophy engraving allocation settled on at $200.00. $2.94 is to be left in the entry fee account to keep it open, leaving a balance of $760.00 to be split 50/50 with the BOPMPBC. The BOPMPBC share is to be retained against that clubs loan of $800.00 leaving a balance of $420.00 for the BOPMPBC to repay before the agreed date.
$580.00 to be moved across to the non profit account, a note on the books to be made that $200.00 of this is allocated toward trophies or medals for the next Nats.

5> Trophies.
The meeting discussed and concluded that the trophies will no longer be engraved, the trophies will still be presented at the Nats with a photo taken of the winner with the trophy and all saved to the web site as normal, and the Trophy register history also on the website will be updated so always current. It is proposed that 1st,2nd and 3rd place getters will be presented keep sake medals of some description

6> Class Restructuring.
M Gay and S Trott continuing to work together on proposals and recommendations, discussion around a forum based survey being carried out to get a measure of the general memberships fed back on this. S Trott and M gay to develop list of proposed questions to present to committee for further consideration.


1> 2014 NI Champs and 2015 Nats.
Letter to be sent to BOPMBC to confirm they are now allocated the 2014 NI Champs.
Letter to Taranaki MPBC via M Plummer requesting confirmation of commitment to host this event, also requesting confirmation of venue and other important aspects, reply required by August 18th 2014.
2> Noise Limits.
General discussion around current noise limits and the issues trying to meet these limits at the recent 2 Lap Sprint weekend in Tauranga. The BOPMPBC to work with local noise officer of TCC to establish how noise is being measured and discover if there are any site specific reasons higher readings are being recorded at the BOP venue. T Riddiford noted that Db metres can be re calibrated via your local council. It was discussed that the Australian MPBA limits were higher than our limits, 90db at 10.5m or 84Db at 40m. Also noted that the Australian rules set out that the Db meter should be set at a 20 degree upwards incline.BOPMPBC to report back as noise study continues at that venue.
3> PX Class confirmation.
The meeting confirmed that Open Oval is the only event this class can race in at the Nats ( same for X Class nitro ) but can run in any other regattas through out the year where an event is advertised as “open”. Eg Offshore series.

4> Membership list.
Current copy of NZMPBA membership list to be sent to all committee members.

5 >Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.
Scheduled for Monday 18th August 2014, 8pm via skype.

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