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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Mintues 19/5/14
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Mintues 19/5/14
on: June 16, 2014, 21:25

19TH MAY 2014

S Trott, P Anderson, T Riddiford, M Bindon, J Belworthy, M Gay, P Fowler.


Read and accepted as true and correct record, M Bindon to post to forum.


Non Profit Account $3411.21
Entry Fee Account $962.94
Insurance Account $570.89

General discussion around issue of no balance sheet finalised and presented at AGM by previous Treasurer, Conclusion is that the Secretary will contact last Treasurer to request and arrange for all NZMPBA Secretarial and Treasurers resources and equipment to be returned to Secretary.
The NZMPBA bank access token is to be transferred from M Bindon to Treasurer B Clarke.
Secretary and Treasurer to develop a balance sheet for last financial year as soon as possible upon receipt of all info required, to be presented to committee on completion.

IN: Wairarapa Club Letter
BOPMPBC 2 Lap Sprint weekend application.

OUT: Nil

1> General discussion around the Wairarapa Club letter, the consensus of the meeting was that the President is to draft a reply letter and forward this to committee for feed back and editing, then when the committee is satisfied with the reply the President will forward this to the Wairarapa Club. This letter is also to seek a confirmation from the Wairarapa Club that they want to remain as the 2015 NZMPBA National Championships host club.
2> 2 Lap Sprint Rules.
General discussion around the auspices of these events and course certification requirements, the consensus of the meeting was that the course certification requirements as per existing document are okay.
The meeting discussed and agreed that additional wording to the Rules was required to clarify that as each person achieves a new record during the “event” then while the records are acknowledged and recorded as such, each member can only receive Presidents Cup points once for each class where they achieve a record.
Wording was also to be added that there is to be a random draw to decide the rotation of the competitors.
M Bindon was to draft these changes and present to committee ASAP for approval, then upon acceptance they are to be passed onto J Belworthy who will work with P Collier to have them loaded to the website.

3> NZMPBA Insurance.
Await for transfer of information regarding insurance from last Secretary to current Secretary, committee to review insurance to understand the key points of cover, then to note these in the next Propshaft to advise the membership of those points of interest.
4> Patron.
Each committee member is to think of at least 1 suitable person that could fill the role of Patron for the NZMPBA and table their nomination at the next committee meeting.
5> Website.
General discussion around website, its control, access and function. G Haines considered as an administrator as a co opted position. The website in general does work but needs a good tidy up of incorrect and inaccurate info. The consensus of the meeting is that M Bindon and J Belworthy will work through all aspects of the site and work with the Webmaster P Collier to update as required.
6> Scale Hydro Registrar remains as G Haines for time being.
7> Trophy Custodian.
Secretary to confirm with B Clarke if he will fulfil this role on behalf of the NZMPBA. If yes, then S Trott to assist with a full sort out of the trophies and advise costs for all repairs and engraving as required to bring them up to date. There was further general discussion around the engraving of the trophies and if it was really a necessary cost when the winners records are listed on the website and that the trophies only come out for presentation at the Nationals and are then packed away again until the next National Championships. Further discussion on this deferred until next meeting.
8> Stock Classes.
P Anderson suggested the name “restricted” class.
General discussion around the auspices of the proposed stock classes which lead onto the bigger picture of how to solve time frame issues for the National Championships, ideas including a restriction of only being able to enter 1 boat in 1 class, ie not be able to cross enter 1 boat into several events.
The meeting agreed that M Gay and S Trott work together on proposals and recommendations regarding all this and report back to committee as required. Implementation of any such changes to occur and come into effect for the 40th NZMPBA Championships 2016 scheduled to be held in the South Island.
9> Other boating associations in NZ.
P Anderson has expressed his thoughts that RC boating is too small in NZ for it to be so fractionated, and that he believes the NZMPBA should embark on trying to mend those broken relationships, he sees this as part of meeting our constitutional obligation in fostering, encouraging and promoting RC Powerboating in NZ. He has asked that the committee start to think about this and to discuss more at future committee meetings.

The meeting has clarified that SUHA regattas do not attract NZMPBA Presidents Cup Points.

11>Next NZMPBA Committee meeting.
Scheduled for Monday 16th June 2014, 8pm via skype.

Meeting closed 10.25pm.

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