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Author Topic: Committe Meeting Mintues 18th November 2013
Posts: 182
Post Committe Meeting Mintues 18th November 2013
on: December 16, 2013, 20:25

New Zealand Model Power Boat Association
Committee Meeting 18th November 2013 at 8pm
Present, Andrew Colquhoun (AC), Phil Fowler (PF), John Bellworthy (JB), Steve Trott (ST) Peter Anderson (PA) Matt Bindon (MB)
Apologies, Nil
Minutes of last meeting, As read by Steve Trott, Passed by JB seconded by MB
Matters arising,
Complaint from the Wairarapa Club re Kerry O’Reilly’s comments. Letter to be sent to the secretary of the Wairarapa Club stating that the complaint has not been upheld and does not warrant any further action. Moved ST seconded MB
Web site needs to be looked at how to keep the updates flowing and changing of pictures. JB to send Paul Bretherton a email asking if he can help with this and maybe talk to Bob to see if we have any instructions as to how we do these changes.
ST to ask Peter Collier if he can upload the new rules and the change to the constitution onto the web site.
Wayne is happy to continue doing the President Cup Points. AC to send email asking for update as members would like to know ASAP.
Special meeting for rule changes and constitution. This was passed at the special meeting and as these changes take 6 weeks to come into effect which is the 7th of December 2013.
Treasurers Report,
00 account now at $4,151.05
02 account now at $12.93 (entry fee account)
03 account still at $500.56 (insurance)
80 Paid Members, 2 Life Members, 1 Honary Member
Passed PF seconded JB
Inwards and outwards correspondence.
Inwards –
Letter from Wairarapa Club asking about Insurance situations
Insurance renewal from Cartwright Insurance Brokers for the coming year
Email and text to Terry Riddiford asking if he has withdrawn his email asking for information containing his name. As no reply AC has noted his verbal conversation with Terry and noted it.
General Business,
1 Events for the Nationals
Over a hour was spent talking of the different events we could cull and which we should keep. We have added a few classes together particularly in the nitro class as many still have these but there are not enough to run event with just the one class. Also discussed was the amount of time the marathon events take up and we have now looked at having combined P2 and P3 to make it Open Petrol Marathon and have added the A+B +C1 class together. This will save us considerable time as we will be restricted to 3 days next year. We will have a meet on the 25th of November to confirm the classes and the regattas for next year.

2 Finalisation of Offshore Results for the year.
Bob has forwarded the results for the year and after having a look at them MB to go back to Bob with a couple of questions and will confirm for next Mondays meeting.

3 AC to see where and how much for Mugs and Badges from Blenheim
AC to see who and how much the badges for last years nationals came to. We will still use the same place and they should have the template from Tauranga Nationals in 2012. AC to come back to committee for the next meeting in December.

4 Insurance Due
Our annual insurance is now due for payment. Has gone up by $10 from last year which is pretty standard. Passed JB seconded MB

5 Transfer of $500 to Insurance Account
AC to check when we moved this into the Insurance account last year. Was it in December 2012 or January 2013. What ever it was we will do the same this time round. The reason we do this as we are self insuring our equipment and over time this account will be able to be used to replace lost or damaged gear.

Next meeting will be held Monday the 25th of November at 8pm

Meeting closed at 10pm

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