Please find below the letter as to a special meeting being held at the North Island Champs.
4 October 2013
The Secretary
Dear Andrew,
Under section 12(b)Meetings, in the Constitution of the NZMPBA I would like to request that a special meeting be held on the 26th of October 2013. This meeting would take place during the lunch break on the first day of the NZMBPA North Island Champs which will be held at Lake Taurikura in Tauranga.
There are three items of business to be discussed;
1. To ratify the 3 life members (Steve Trott, Grahame Haines and Peter Collier that were put forward at the 2013 AGM.
2. To vote on a Remit (Two Lap Oval records) submitted by G Haines NZMPBA 275 at the 2013 AGM which has been revised by committee members Matt Bindon and Steve Trott.
3. To vote on updating the wording of the NZMPBA Constitution.
Yours Sincerely
Matt Bindon
Below I have copied and attached the revised remit and NZMPBA Constitution.
Item 2.
Remit submitted by G Haines NZMPBA 275.
Revised by Matt Bindon and Steve Trott for further consideration.
Two Lap Oval records
NOTE:-These rules are to be read in conjunction with the rules under Records in the NZMPBA Rule Book. Where there is a conflict between rules, then these event specific rules will take precedence.
The NZMPBA shall recognise records set on the standard
100m X 30m oval course ONLY as per the description and diagram in Class Racing Rules of the NZMPBA Rule book.
The Organising Official / Host Club must get approval from the NZMPBA Secretary to run the event at least 1 calendar month in advance of the event so it can be advertised to the greater NZMPBA membership.
The event shall consist of timing a single boat over (2) consecutive laps of the prescribed course
At each event where there are multiple “records” set in the same class, then one record claim only for the best / fastest time of that class standing at the conclusion of the event will be submitted.
Each competitor can claim multiple records for the same class in a calendar year, however, for the purposes of Presidents Cup Points, each competitor will only gather the appropriate Presidents Cup points once per class, per calendar year.
The calendar year is deemed to run from NZMPBA National Championships through to the next NZMPBA National Championships.
The competitor must be a financial member of the NZMPBA prior to their attempt.
They must by familiar with, and abide by, all NZMPBA rules and regulations in force at that time.
The minimum buoy arrangement shall be as shown under OVAL SPRINT RACING listed in the Class Racing Rules section of the NZMPBA Rule book.
Additional buoys may be added to the straights to define the course better for the driver.
The course must be certified by a competent person using either GPS or total station survey equipment to ensure the course is of the correct dimensions. A certificate of accuracy of the course must be provided by the Organising Official with the first record claim for that venue.
Should any of the (5) strategic buoys at each end of the course be dislodged from their correct position by a competitor, the accuracy of the replacement bouy position must be to the satisfaction of the Organising Official.
As listed in (4) CLASSES of the general rules in the NZMPBA rule book as well as Electric classes listed elsewhere in the rule book.
As listed in (4) CLASSES of the general rules in the NZMPBA rule book as well as Deep Vee
Each attempt shall be limited to a “TOTAL TIME” of (5) minutes subdivided into “pit time” and “run Time”
A maximum of 2 minute’s and 30 seconds pit time shall be allowed to start and launch the competitor’s boat.
Failure to launch within the allotted time shall be deemed a DNS and the next competitor will be called up for his attempt.
Run time shall begin when the competitor’s boat is launched and shall continue un-interrupted until the allotted (5) minutes “Total Time” has elapsed or the competitor waives the remainder of their allotted time.
If they have started a run when the (5) minute ‘Total Time” expires they will be allowed to complete that run.
Adjustments and tuning can be made any time during “Pit Time” and “Run Time” however no time extensions will be given for these adjustments.
The competitor must advise the Official when he is about to start his attempted run.
Timing will start when the boat crosses the start/finish line and will end when the boat has completed (2) clean laps
Note:- Touching, hitting or cutting any buoy will be deemed a DNF, watches reset, then the Official will advise the competitor to re-start.
A competitor can make and complete as many timed runs as he wishes in his allotted “Run Time”
Timing is to be recorded using a minimum of (2) digital stop watches accurate to 1/100th of a second, or other timing equipment that may be available,(excluding radar) and pre-approved by the NZMPBA Committee.
Times recorded by both watches on each timed run must agree within 20/100ths of a second, and the average of those (2) times then used to record the elapsed time for that attempt.
Times will be recorded to 3 decimal places for record purposes.
Item 3.
(New Zealand Model Power Boat Association Inc.)
Members Handbook
Issue Date October 2013
NZMPBA Constitution.pdf
General Racing rules.pdf Class Racing rules.pdf Guide to Racing.pdf
Nationals Championships.pdf
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April 2012
1. Name
The name of the Association shall be the
2. Objects
The objects of the Association shall be:
(a). The control, of Model Power Boating throughout New Zealand.
(b). To assist individuals and clubs with the promotion and encouragement of model power boating throughout New Zealand
(c). Maintain and update class specifications and racing rules as and when required.
(d). The promotion and controlling of National Championships and the formulation of Rules for same.
All NZMPBA National Championship events should occur at Easter each year.
The National Championships should alternate 1 in the North Island to 1 in the South Island. I.e. each Island will host a National Championship every 2nd year.
Clubs from both Islands are encouraged to apply to host each NZMPBA National Championship regatta in case a default host /venue becomes necessary due to unforeseen circumstances will be negotiated by the NZMPBA committee to a suitable venue.
(e). To maintain a membership handbook which includes the NZMPBA Constitution, Class specifications and racing rules, driving and event guidelines and other such information as deemed appropriate by the Association. The membership handbook will be available to view and download direct from the NZMPBA web site. Individual hard copies are available by written request to the NZMPBA Secretary.
(f). To give and contribute towards prizes, cups or trophies (other than cash prizes or rewards).
(g). To assist with the organisation of tours within New Zealand of overseas model boat champions or their representatives or other suitable people who can add value at a local level.
(h). To assist with the organisation of tours for New Zealand model boat champions and others and
enable them to compete in overseas model boat championships and world championships.
(i). To affiliate with allied New Zealand Model Associations and with any International Model Boat
Association or World Body with a view to furthering the sport.
(j). To take such legal or other lawful proceedings as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the Association and the fulfillment of its objects.
(k). To adopt such by-laws for the more efficient conduct of the Association affairs as may be deemed desirable from time to time.
(l). Generally to do such other things which are incidental to those objects.
Provided however, that the foregoing provisions shall not in any way limit the rights, powers and authorities conferred upon incorporated societies by the provisions of the Incorporated Societies Act, 1908.
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3. Membership
(a).Membership is open to any model boat enthusiast.
(b).All applications for membership shall be to the Secretary, who shall present such application to the next committee meeting for acceptance.
A majority vote of the committee shall be required for the admission of a new member.
The Secretary has the power to provisionally accept membership until ratified at a subsequent committee meeting.
4. Life Membership
Any person who has rendered outstanding service to the Association at a national level, may, on the recommendation of the committee, be elected a life member at a General Meeting, providing the support of two thirds of the total votes is secured.
5. Termination of Membership
Any member wishing to resign from the Association may do so. The member must send the resignation to the Association Secretary.
6. Resignations and Expulsions
(a).If in the opinion of the Association committee it is desirable in the interests of the Association that any Association member, shall cease to be a member providing a two-third majority is in favour thereof, the committee shall have the power to expel such member from the Association, providing that no member shall be expelled and no motion for this expulsion shall be considered until such member shall have been informed of the complaint against him and shall have been given the opportunity of being heard in his own defence.
(b).No resignation or expulsion shall relieve or discharge any member from the payment of any subscription or other monies due to the Association as at the date of its resignation or expulsion.
7. Officers of the Association
(a).The officers of the Association committee shall be:
(1). Patron
(2). President
(3). Vice-President
(4) .Secretary Treasurer
(5). Five Committee Members
(6). Hon. Auditor
(7). Hon. Solicitor
(b).The officers of the Association shall be elected annually at the annual General Meeting. Written nominations may be presented to the Secretary, along with a letter of acceptance of nomination from the nominated financial member
(c) The committee has the power to co-opt additional members to join the committee for specific functions or duration.
(d).The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by the committee.
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8. Duties and Powers of the Association Committee
(a). It shall have full control and management of the affairs of the Association.
(b). It shall enforce and construe the constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations and may impose penalties for violation thereof.
(c). It shall have power to delegate authority or jurisdiction.
(d). It shall have full control and jurisdiction over all national challenge trophies, which may be deeded to the Association and may impose penalties against any member entrusted with said
trophies who fails to exercise reasonable guardianship over the trophies.
(e). It shall have jurisdiction over all matters of appeal and its decision shall be final.
(f). It shall require all charges, complaints and appeals to be written and filed with the Secretary. The Complaints procedure as per rule 8.1 is to be followed.
(g). It shall have full power to take steps and to apply the funds of the Association in such a manner as they may deem expedient for the promotion of its objects and the provisions in these rules conferring specified powers on the committee shall not be read as limiting in any ways the
power conferred by this rule on the committee.
(h). The Association committee shall have power to handle and determine all the financial affairs of the Association in such a manner as it sees fit and to authorize allocation of expenses to officials of
the Association.
The following is the complaint procedure that individual members of the NZMPBA should use when making a charge, complaint or appeal.
1. Identify if the complaint type is:
Of a personal nature with another NZMPBA
Of another NZMPBA member regarding an NZMPBA process or event.
Of an NZMPBA process, event or sanctioned event
2. Write / e mail the NZMPBA Secretary a letter including all details regarding the complaint,
please include evidence to support the complaint. “Hear say” comment will not be considered.
3. The Secretary will table your charge, complaint or appeal at the next committee meeting for discussion.
If in the opinion of the Association Secretary the charge, complaint or appeal is of a serious and /
or urgent nature, the Secretary will call an urgent committee meeting to discuss the complaint/grievance before the next scheduled committee meeting.
4. At the conclusion of the Committee discussion and meeting:-
The Secretary will send a copy of the charge, complaint or appeal to the person/ s or organization that the charge, complaint or appeal is raised against.
That person or persons or organization, from date of receipt of this information, should respond within 15 days, in writing to the NZMPBA Secretary, with evidence as required, to advise their response and / or defend their position.
5. That response will be presented and discussed at the next scheduled or emergency Committee meeting, that meeting outcome will be to:
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Request further information as required so the matter can be considered further,
Or Up hold the complaint, the Committee will inform the complainant of the outcome and take whatever disciplinary or other corrective action they may deem necessary following procedures set out in the Constitution or as otherwise required.
Or If the Committee feel the complaint does not warrant any further action then the parties concerned will be advised of this in writing as soon as possible following the committee meeting. The Committee decision will be final and no further correspondence will be entered into.
6. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome reached by the NZMPBA Committee, then the complainant will need to make use of an external legal process to pursue their issue.
9. Association Secretary
(a).The Secretary (or appointed substitute) shall attend all committee meetings and General
(b). He/she shall see that all Association Correspondence is attended to, and shall file copies thereof, and all documents pertaining to the Association affairs.
(c). He/she shall keep proper minutes of all meetings.
(d). He/she shall keep all administration records of the Association as instructed by the committee. (e). He/she shall cause all returns to be forwarded. He/she shall act in accordance with the
decisions and resolutions of the Association committee.
(f). All records designated to his/her keeping shall on his/her ceasing to hold office be handed by him/her to the President
10. Association Treasurer
(a).The Treasurer shall keep such banking accounts as may be authorised by the committee. (b).Money received by the Treasurer on behalf of the Association shall be acknowledged by receipt and deposited in the Association banking account.
(c).Money received by any other person on behalf of the Association shall be forwarded to the
Treasurer as soon as possible and be treated in the same manner as (b).
(d).Payment shall be made by cheque and shall be signed in such a manner as the committee may from time to time determine.
(e).The Treasurer shall keep account of money received or paid and shall close the accounts
annually on the 31st December
(f).The various accounts together with the balance sheet shall be presented to the next annual
General Meeting of the Association.
(G) Every year the accounts of the Association will be audited and an appropriate report supplied to the committee. All members will be notified when this audit has been completed and copies of the audit report will be made available to the members on request.
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11. Membership Fees
(a).The annual subscription payable, by members to the Association shall be as fixed by the
Annual General Meeting in each year and shall be operative for the financial year current.
The committee shall have power to make a special levy on members.
All subscriptions due and payable on the first day of the new financial year and any member not paying such subscription within one calendar month of the annual General Meeting, shall cease to be entitled to any representation on the Association.
(b).In special circumstances the Association shall have power to waive all or part of any member's fees.
(c) Annual Subscription Fee Structure.
Senior Membership Full Rate
Family Membership Full Rate for 1st Senior member, 50% of full rate for each other family member living at the same address.
Junior Membership 50% of full rate for up to 18 years of age. Full Time Student 50% of full rate.
Senior Citizen 50% of full rate for 65 + yeas of age.
Only one set of mail will be sent to the family group but each member will have an individual registration number and have full voting rights.
First time / New memberships.
New membership subscriptions accepted 50% or more of the way through the current financial year will only pay 50% of the applicable rate above.
New membership subscriptions accepted 80% or more of the way through the current financial year will be at the full correct applicable rate BUT will also be valid to include the next full financial year.
12. Meetings
(a).The annual General Meeting shall be held as soon as practicable after the first of January each year. The Secretary shall notify each member by notice in writing of the date, time and place of such meeting at least twenty-eight days prior to the date of the meeting.
At the annual General Meeting business to be considered shall be:
(1).Presidents Report
(2).Presentation of the balance sheet and accounts made up to the 31st December each year.
(3).Election of Officers after committee members outline proposed actions for the coming year and reasons to be retained on the committee.
(4).Membership fees for coming year.
(4).General business.
(b). A Special Meeting may be requested at any time by any member, upon giving the Secretary, in writing, full details of the business to be discussed. Such notices shall state the date, time and
place of the meeting.
(c).The committee shall be called as and when required for committee meetings.
(d).Urgent business: For dealing with urgent business between committee meetings a quorum shall consist of four committee members. Any decisions of those Special Meetings shall be approved at the first full committee meeting.
(e).A quorum at any committee meeting must be of no less than 50% of the committee.
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13. Voting
(a). At Annual and Special Meetings of the Association, financial members shall be entitled to one vote on each matter. A majority of all votes cast shall decide all questions except where otherwise specified in clause 13. Provided that in event of an equality of votes the President shall have a casting vote.
(b). The mode of voting at all Association meetings shall decide in the first instance on voices and in the case of a decision being in doubt, a show of hands. One tenth of the members present may call for a secret ballot.
(c). Proxy Voting: Proxy voting at the NZMPBA AGM by a non present financial member will be
allowed by offering the right to vote on their behalf to a member that is present. That member shall then have the authority to vote on behalf of those that they represent on any issues at the AGM. The right to vote by proxy must be validated by presentation of the absent members NZMPBA membership card, to the Secretary prior to the start of the AGM, by the member representing them. An attending member may only cast two proxy votes.
A member has the right to submit a proxy vote to the Secretary with voting instructions; this vote will only be cast if the remit is not amended.
The membership cards can be used by the voter for the purpose of making the vote counting easier.
14. Power to Borrow Money
The Association shall have power to borrow money by way of mortgage, debenture or any other way sanctioned by the committee.
15. Interpretation of Constitution, Rules & By-Laws
The decision of the committee on the constitution or interpretation of any rule or matter or thing not contained in the rules but pertaining to the Association, its property or interests shall be conclusive and binding on all members.
16. Alterations to Constitution, Rules & By-Laws
a) This Constitution shall not be altered, added to, or rescinded except with the consent of two- thirds majority of the members recording votes at an annual or Special Meeting.
b) No motion to alter add to or rescind this constitution shall be deemed to be in order unless the proposed alteration or deletion, shall have been set out at length among the business to be transacted in the notice convening the Meeting.
c) Any proposed alteration, addition or deletion to this constitution shall have, furnished to the
Secretary fourteen clear days before notice convening the General Meeting.
d) Any alteration, addition or deletion which gains the necessary two-thirds majority shall be operative immediately providing such alteration, addition or deletion is acceptable to the Registrar of the Incorporated Societies.
e) Alterations or deletions to rules and by-laws not contained in this constitution are by a majority decision of the committee. These changes do not have to be filed with the Registrar and shall become effective no sooner than 6 weeks after the committee decision.
f) When a new rule is passed, or an old rule is altered or amended, the membership shall be notified by email or in writing to those registered to be mailed, of that new ruling within 1 week of the date of that meeting. The new ruling shall become effective 6 weeks after the committee meeting.
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17. Common Seal
There shall be a common seal of the Association having thereupon the words "The Common Seal of the New Zealand Model Powerboat Association (Incorporated)".
The seal shall not be fixed to any document save by the authority of a resolution of the committee.
The persons witnessing the affixing of the seal shall sign every instrument to which it is so fixed.
18. Registered Office
The registered office of the Association shall be situated at the business or residential address of the current Secretary and due notice of every change of address shall be given to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.
19. Dissolution
A majority of members present recording their vote at a special General Meeting convened for that purpose may resolve that the Association be wound up as from a date to be specified in the resolution and may also direct the disposition of funds and property of the Association.
Notice of such resolution shall be sent to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies and confirmed in accordance with the Act. In the event of a winding up of the Association the property and assets of
the Association remaining after paying and discharge of all debts and liabilities and expense of winding up shall be disposed of in such a manner as the Association may decide at such meeting.