New Zealand Model Power Boat Association.
Committee Meeting 19th August 2013, 8pm - Skype
Present, Steve, Peter, John, Matt, Chookie, Kerry.
Apologies Andrew C
Minutes of last meeting Accepted, moved Steve, seconded John. Posted on website by Matt.
Matters arising from minutes, none
Treasurers Report. Andrew was away and Chookie gave the report for Andrew.
At present, 76 Members
Entry a/c $12.70
Insurance a/c $500.14
Operating a/c $4073.19
Inwards Correspondence --
Outwards Correspondence --
Matters arising from correspondence, --
General Business,
John presented his report recommending changes to the Constitution. This was discussed and after some discussion regarding wording in relation to the Nationals, was accepted.
It was decided to put together a remit detailing the changes to be tabled at a Special Meeting to be held at Tauranga during the running of the North Island Champs over Labour weekend 26th – 27th October 2013-09-17
Two further remits for the same meeting will be 1. A reemit proposing the 2 lap speed record remit as put forward by Grahame Haines at the AGM at Easter.
2. A remit to ratify the Life Membership awards for Grahame Haines, Steve Trott and Peter Collier.
Wayne to put together the paper work and as per the Constitution, write to the Secretary requesting the Special Meeting and giving the time, date and reasons for the Meeting. To be kept in mind that any changes to the Constitution need to be sent to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies. The details of remits, meeting etc to be forwarded to the general membership by the 1/10/13 per email and letters if necessary.
The programme for the NI Champs was discussed and it was decided to give this format a trial. The programme and entry form to be sent to Peter Collier for placing on the website and copies to be sent to John for mailing out per email to the members.
The Presidents Cup points system was discussed. Wayne had started to make some comparisons of results using the present system as opposed to a proposed system of rewarding all entrants in qualifying events. Decided that Wayne is to do more work on the comparisons and to let the results run for a while to get a better idea how it works out.
The 2 lap record proposal as submitted by remit at the AGM from Grahame Haines was looked at and reported on by Steve and Matt. After discussion it was decided that the remit as now presented was fine and to go ahead as a remit for the special meeting at the NI Champs in October.
There was a reminder to the committee to keep in mind the events calendar which is coming up in November to have next years programme decided on. Peter and Paul are working on this and have ideas which will be reported on.
The Off Shore Series is going really well. Kerry reported that it is looking really good for Taupo.
The website was discussed and it was decided we need a dedicated webmaster and we can’t keep relying on Peter Colliers generosity all of the time. Matt Bindon said that he can do some of it but has only limited access.
The next meeting was set for 8 pm on the 23/9/13 8pm
Meeting closed 9/30 pm