New Zealand Model Power Boat Association
Committee Meeting Monday 17th June 2013
Present, Peter Anderson, John Belworthy, Phil Fowler, Steve Trott, Matt Bindon,
Paul Bretherton, Wayne Mowbray.
Apologies, Kerry O’Reilly, Andrew Colquhoun
Minutes of Last Meeting. These were read and accepted.
Matters arising from Minutes. There was discussion re the XP petrol class as
in the rule book. Decided it was correct. The minutes of past committee meetings and the AGM minutes still need to up loaded onto the website.
Treasurers Report. Currently have 69 members
Entry fee a/c $12.70
Insurance a/c $500.74
Non profit a/c has $3833.19
Payments for this month $263.24 to Badges and Medals foor Nationals merchandise.
It was moved and passed that this report be accepted.
Inwards Correspondence.
Email from Wellington Club, unable to host Nationals 2014 as no suitable water
Email from the Wairarapa Model Power Boat Club, expression of interest in hosting 2014 Nationals
Email from BOP Model Power Boat Club, expression of interest in hosting 2014 Natiionals.
Email from the Malborough Model Power Boat Club requesting Registration of 2 new speed records set on the 1/6/2013 at the Diversion, Blenheim.
Email from Kerry O’Reilly putting in apology for this meeting.
Email from Peter Collier requesting that an email be sent to all members using the bulk mailout to advisee of new Propshaft on website.
Outwards Correspondence.
Email to all clubs advising that the 2014 Nationals could not be held in the South Island and asking for expressions of interest from any clubs wishing to host this event.
Matters arising from Correspondence
The two speed records set at Blenheim to be authenticated. After Grahame Haines move to Perth, and with no authorised person to oversee the records set at Blenheim both Matt Gay and Brendon Kirk have been authorised by the Committee to be able to run the record attempts. The course is an old one and has been approved.
After consideration of the expressions of interest to host the 2014 Nationals it was decided that the 2014 Nationals will be held at Tauranga and hosted by the BOPMPBC.
John Belworthy will be sent the association mailing list from Wayne and will email all members that the Propshaft is now on the website.
General Business
Nationals. After discussion it was decided that the 2014 Nationals will be held at Tauranga and hosted by the Bay of Plenty Club at their pond at Tauriko.
Clubs as listed on website. As a result of a query from Wayne re the status of some of the clubs as listed on the website it was decided to leave them all there as they do have some members in each region still
Picton and Christchurch Offshores. These are on the events calendar and a check with those in those areas have confirmed that these events will still be held as advertised.
Hydrofest / Ovalfest.
This was discussed at length. Due to the lack of interest in the Hydrofest format the BOP Club put out a new programme for a proposed Ovalfest John Belworthy said that they had discussed this new proposed ovalfest format and were not very happy with it. Steve replied that something had to be done and this was accepted. Due to the time constraints from now till the 13th July was it possible to change the format again. It was decided that there was time so the it was decided that it would be run as an open oval type event, 4-6 heats for electric, 6 heats for both nitro and petrol, If time allowed possibly a T1 event as well. Steve reported that there had been discussion at the Hamilton Offshore as to what made these events so popular and one of the reasons given was that it was a one day event, which meant people could take time off on the Friday, travel, compete on the Saturday then go home either that night or Sunday. It was decided to make the event in July a one day event, the 13th July 2013. Steve to put together an entry form and this to be sent to all
members on the association email list, whether financial or not. This might encourage some members to return. A debrief after the event to be held.
Possible system of rule changes without waiting for AGM. Special Meeting at the NI Champs at Tauranga in October 2013?
John Belworthy suggested that the committee look at a remit which could be put forward at a Special Meeting at Tauranga which would make it possible for the rule book to be changed by the committee during the year. It is only over recent years that the pattern for rule changes has been moved from the committee to the AGM. John said that the committee are elected by the membership as their representatives.
Over the past months the committee has received letters from Dale Mathews, Peter Collier, emails from Steve Trott and Wayne Mowbray suggesting possible changes to how events are run, Wayne went through these and broke up into broad headings and subjects.
After discussion it was agreed that members on the committee take responsibility or areas of responsibility to do a study and report back any findings and recommendations, looking at finalising any remits in time for the NI Champs.
Presidents Cup Steve Trott and Matt Bindon.
2 lap record format Steve Trott and Matt Bindon
Constitution John Belworthy
Rule Book and classes Wayne Mowbray and Chookie Fowler.
Events Calendar Paul Bretherton and Peter Anderson
Offshore Series, Kerry O’Reilly
Events Calendar. It has been suggested that this will need looking at, and maybe
downsizing some events, catering for more classes of boats etc. This will be looked at by Paul and Peter.
The next meeting was set for Monday the 22nd July 2013, * pm
Meeting closed at 9/30 pm