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Author Topic: Committee Meeting Minutes 15th April 2013
Posts: 182
Post Committee Meeting Minutes 15th April 2013
on: July 23, 2013, 22:01

New Zealand Model Power Boat Association
Committee Meeting 15th April 2013 at 8.00pm
Present, Andrew Colquhoun (AC), Steve Trott (ST), Wayne Mowbray (WM), John Belworthy (JB), Matt Bindon (MB), Peter Anderson (PA) Phil Fowler (PF) Kerry O’Reilly (KO)

Minutes of last meeting,
Confirmed and will be distributed by WM
Matters arising,

Treasurers Report,
00 account now at $2,776.43
02 account now at $1362.70 (entry fee account)
03 account still at $500.14 (insurance)
54 current financial member with two Life members and one honary.
Payments made of $1110.50 for the dinner which he paid out of his own account.
Payment made to Newbolds for new radios of $574.50

Was discussed that we have a small amount to pay for nationals for the placing cards which is estimated to be around $60-$70 so we will distribute $650 of the entry fee account to the NZMPBA and Wayne will get me a bank account details for the Masterton Club and they will discuss with the Wellington club how they will split it.
Inwards and outwards correspondence.
Email from Dale Matthews on how he would like to see nationals and competitions run
General Business,
1 Welcome to the new committee

Wayne welcomed the new members and gave a brief outline of the coming months. JB mentioned he is willing to make up a spreadsheet with committee members names and jobs for them to look into.

2 Post Mortem on Nationals
Overall people were happy and with a few tweaks here and there we should look forward to a great Nationals next year. AC bought up that course observers and race director will have to get tougher with infringements particularly hitting announced dead boats. It is still up to the pit man to call the dead boats and if there are many on the course then drivers will just have to slow down. JB said a lot more responsibility has to be on the driver and there skill to not hit the boats or the rescue dinghy. Some of the rules the likes of protesting will need to be looked at for the coming year and for remits.

It was mentioned that this nationals was run with minimal amount of people particularly committee member due to two of the committee members having many events and others not at the nationals. A big thanks goes to ST and WM for basically running the nationals and organising it them selves with a lot of members help with course observing etc.

The Sunday worked particularly well with the 10min boat testing time at the start of each event as this would give the guys on IRMS time to load the new event as well as print out place cards and so on. It was discussed that this may be the way to go in the future as it also gives the competitors some time to get there boats set up for the conditions. This would also eliminate the 30min warm up at the start of each day.

ST suggested If entries are to be what they are this year we should look at starting Nationals on the Thursday and if needed go through to the Monday. JB and AC suggested if we were starting on the Thursday there would be high possibility that we wouldn’t get the Monday blues like we usual get. We are pushed for time especially with the high attrition rate and the amount of boats that need rescuing.

JB mentioned we needed the two rescue boats active. Having the one boat do most of the work didn’t work well and we need one at each end. ST did mention that as part of the set up document for nationals this is a requirement so just to keep an eye on this for the coming year.

AC suggested that we get the entries in a lot sooner than currently as this will give us a better time to organise entries and the time frame is too short. Everyone knows when Nationals are and people are generally well prepared before that. If we were to have entries in mid February this would give us more time to organise when events can be run and what time of the day.

All in all it was a very successful Nationals and a good money earner for both the host clubs and the association.

The Wairarapa club being fairly new did a great job on the facilities and the set up of the course and was much appreciated.
3 Rule Book, revision of rules to suit thee current racing changes.

ST suggested we get hold of a copy of the current rules in Word form to make the adjustments. JB said he will get hold of Peter Collier to see if he has a copy if not he has a converter program that may be able to alter the web based copy into a word document.

4 Life Members, ratify the 3 awards etc.

It was bought to the committee attention that the three selected for the life membership should have been decided at the AGM. It was noted that all three are very deserving of the award and at the dinner no one was against the idea. We will ratify these awards at the next AGM but the awards are to stay. Committee understand that the process was incorrect but we will move on and well deserved and will ratify retrospectively at the next AGM. Letter to new L/M to be sent explaining the situation and we would like them to continue to use there life membership.

5 Website administration and administrators

Ask Nitro if he is still willing to be the website administrator and PB as he knows more about the website than most of us.

6 IRM, Performance and problems at Nationals.

As mentioned before the system worked best on the Sunday when we had the 10min break between heats. ST has made some changes since nationals for instance he has installed a 1min and 30sec count down for the electrics. He has also changed all competitors to 2.4ghz as most people are on this and the ones that aren’t are easily changed and this will speed up the process considerably. PA has said he would like to help out at the next Hydrofest so he can help out at events. We need more people to know how to use it and the more the merrier. ST said he will set up a sheet so it’s a easy process to learn.
7 Dales Letter

Respond to Dale about his letter and we will work through it over time as there is a lot to go through. Due to the amount we will break it down

8 Nitro to continue signing on for website?

Discussed earlier will contact Nitro to confirm

9 Taranaki Offshore – postponed

Was decided that due to time constraints that this event now be cancelled due to not being able to fit it into the calendar. Will need to be discussed for next year as Easter id middle of April which will be around the same time as this event.

10 Event entry forms to be submitted by clubs to Peter for inclusion in e/cal

Really important that people running events get the entry forms and information to Peter Collier to put on Web site.

11 Entries for Hydro fest, Tauranga

Entries close on Friday but ST thinks at this stage they are looking at around 6-10 entries

With nothing else to discuss the meeting was closed at 9.44pm.

Next meeting will be held Monday the 13th of May at 8pm

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