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Author Topic: Information
The Ridds
Posts: 119
Post Information
on: July 23, 2013, 10:49

Can someone out there with in the NZMPBA please let me know as to why we are not getting anymore minutes posted of the meetings the committee holds an with all the racing thats going on around the country why don't the results of these meetings get posted on the Forums so other people within the association can see whats going on around the country. That would be great.Thanks

Posts: 28
Post Re: Information
on: July 23, 2013, 11:48

[Morning Terry.
You're have jumped the gun on this subject slightly as the committee talked about it in some length last night
due to some small problem which were brought to our attention we are in the process of fixing it ASAP ....
Kind Regards
Kerry O'Reilly...

The Ridds
Posts: 119
Post Re: Information
on: July 23, 2013, 13:59

Thanks for that Kerry.The reason I wrote what I have is cause I attended the Ovalfest at Masterton last month an that was the first time in along time I have enjoyed oval racing an I think that can be put down to the way that this meeting was run an the new format of racing but still no results of where one came at that meeting but when you race at a Offshore meet with in a week of that meeting being held results are posted on the Forum an by doing you are creating interest in it self about the hobby

Posts: 125
Post Re: Information
on: August 24, 2013, 17:51

National committee meetiing minutes are drawn up after the meeting, obviously, then need to be read and passed at the next committee meeting before publication, hence a months delay. These are the rules.

The regattas are run by volunteers, who give of their time. The ovalfest in Masterton was run by the BOP Club, and the members who normally do this posting and after regatta work have been busy with their employment work due to the earthquakes and floods etc. The place certificates were printed and presented to the place getters at the prize giving when the event finished. We can only do what we can do.


The Ridds
Posts: 119
Post Re: Information
on: August 25, 2013, 19:21

why then Wayne has it taken you over a month to reply to this thread an if you go back to the the minutes of the committee meetings this year the last post was Jan this year but once the question was ask Matt Bindon an Co had all the minutes post with in a week of all your meetings thus far the committee have held this year which I thanked him for an yes most of us know we don't get the minutes posted straight away after a meeting until the rest of the committee members have had a look at them

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