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Author Topic: Twin inline rigger
Posts: 51
Post Twin inline rigger
on: January 23, 2013, 14:53

A question for the powers that be,
I am looking to design and build a glass inline twin gas rigger , most likely powered by a k600 (just under 60cc) , can this be run in open oval? or is the cc rating too high?, the next question is if it does not fit into a class will I still be covered by the nzmpba public liability insurance or will I need to source my own liability cover so I can be coverered for the testing process?
Im not too worried if it cant be raced in nz as my market will most likely be off shore.

Posts: 124
Post Re: Twin inline rigger
on: January 23, 2013, 17:34

Hi Damian,
There are remits that will probably answer your question due to come out soon, but in simple terms if they go thru there will be a PX class developed for cc upto I think 62cc, and only allowed to run in Open Oval...similar sort of thing to happen in Glow class to create a X class to align with OZZ.

Cheers, TUI.

Posts: 66
Post Re: Twin inline rigger
on: January 24, 2013, 10:14

I like your thinking Damian. I think the key to any changes being made to engine sizes or any changes being made to our rules is having a good number of people at the AGM to discuss this issue. Too many people want to make changes but arnt willing to put there point across and just fire bullets from behind. I personlly think we need to maybe take into account the K600 but we do need to consider where is it going to stop. Rule changes are a big part of our association and the key people to make these changes are the members. This is my own oppinion but would be good to have some numbers to the AGM to discuss

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