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Author Topic: BOPMPBC Activities
Posts: 124
Post BOPMPBC Activities
on: December 23, 2011, 19:00

Hi All,
The BOPMPBC meets regularly at Lake Taurikura, our venue otherwise known as "Thunder valley"
each month.
The first Sunday of the month is the Club Race day, the third Saturday of the month being a
practice / funday.
Both run from 10am thru approx 3pm.
During daylight savings we also run a twilight meeting on the Wednesdays immediately preceding the race and practice days.
We have the ability to postpone any of the above one week should there be any issues with bad weather or clashes with other events.
It is part of our club rules that all members of the BOPMPBC are also members of the NZMPBA for public liability insurance purposes. Any visitors boating with us also need to be members of either the NZMPBA or SUHA for the same reason, all people operating at the lake must have this PL cover as it is part of our user agreement with the Tauranga City Council.

We are looking forward to hosting a number of events this year, NZMPBA National Championships, Hydrofest regattas and the BOP Offshore.

Please contact Steve Trott for further info.
029 927 2906

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