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Author Topic: Kerry OReilly
Posts: 28
Post Kerry OReilly
on: June 19, 2012, 20:57

Hi My name is Kerry.
Born and breed in Taupo and i am the only model boater that users the great lake...

I have been used to powerboat racing from a young age as my father was involved in ski racing ,curcit racing,offshore and recently martahon jet boat racing. So its sort of in my blood.

I was fortunate enough at the age of fifteen to go and help a guy who owned a boat building bussiness polishing moulds for a careers day for my school, i ended up helping this guy a couple of days a week and a great friendship began.
This man was Dallas Gibson he gave me my first boat for helping him and away i went, A move to Hamilton put me in touch with one of the best clubs around and made some great friends and enjoyed some great racing.I gave up for 10 or so years but meet up with some of my old mates from the Hamilton club days 5 yrs ago and back into it hard and fast..

I currently race a stand off scale deep vee of my fathers old offshore boat with a os 46 vrm in it.
a 44 cat with a 90 cmb
A Small mono with a gearbox 3.5 cmb
And some friends are getting me into sports 45 hydros which i am really looking forward too...
I am relly hooked on our offshore series and have this year competed in every race and loving it..
Im on our committee and hope to give back to our members what i was given when i was younger. 😀

The Ridds
Posts: 119
Post Re: Kerry OReilly
on: June 20, 2012, 16:57

Hi Kerry its great to see that after all these years at model power boating that your still keen and if it wasn't for model power boating we would never have met an I hope I still enjoy it as well after all those years an like wise with Big Bob its great to catch with at the race meetings around the country


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