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Author Topic: Web Hosting
Posts: 12
Post Web Hosting
on: June 5, 2012, 16:03

Hello all

I figured this is about the best place to make this offer, even though it is not something specifically for sale.

Corporate Computers are the host of the NZMPBA website.

Corporate Computers is offering FREE web hosting to all RC boating clubs in NZ

So if your club has a website and/or domain please contact us and we can provide you with some details about how to get a domain if you don't have one, or to have your website moved. And if you don't have a website yet we can also help with that.

Remember, this offer is for FREE, no strings attached, no hidden costs, no fine print web hosting.
Domain name charges are not free, and are payable to your respective domain host. Website developement is not free, and those charges are payable to your respective web developer.

We look forward to working with you on your web solution.

Web services team
Corporate Computers

Posts: 125
Post Re: Web Hosting
on: June 5, 2012, 20:53

Thank you very much Fred, a great offer.

I will also take this opportunity to thank you and Corporate Computers for your support of the Association Website.

Wayne Mowbray.

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